STATION 15: Triumph (The Resurrection)

STATION 15: Triumph (The Resurrection)
Mixed media oilgraph on canvas with blood // 42” x 42"
The appearance of the angel at the empty tomb with the three women witnesses
“The promises of man
are doomed to the grave
but a covenant of God
cannot be broken
And on the dawn of the third day
as was promised
darkness lifted from the earth
and the secret doors of the air swung forth
And to those
who by chance of sex
were kept even from the temple
to them it be proclaimed
The Jesus you seek
is not here!
for He is risen
He is risen, Mary
He is risen, Salome
He is risen, Joanna
He goes ahead of you
and do not be afraid
The living is not among the dead
Tell the disciples
Tell everyone
He is risen
is risen”
The women are often left out of the account of Jesus’ resurrection yet they were the first faithful witnesses and I felt it necessary to include them. Angels are supernatural beings and I felt it important for it to depicted as such. In the scene we see multiple moments all happening at once and namely the angel’s declarations of “Do not fear!” “The Jesus you seek is not here.” “He is risen” and “Go tell the disciples.”
It is comprised of fifteen different composited images and was painted live at Asbury Theological Seminary April 17, 2005 as the culmination of the entire series.
ANGEL: Karis Wilde
MARY: Autumn Fiore
SALOME: Selena Liu Raphael
JOANNA: Kayla Winierez