STATION 8: Not for Me (Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem)

STATION 8: Not for Me (Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem)
Mixed media oilgraph on canvas with blood // 36” x 36"
This Station was almost titled 'Jesus Warns the Women of Jerusalem.'
"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me but for yourselves." In this moment no comfort could be afforded to any. Terrible times were coming. Jerusalem would fall...and it did.
If there are tears
let them fall for you
The clouds of my eyes part
to see what you cannot
Oh there will be a time
when you wished that
wombs were barren trees
The world is tearing in two
because of me
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
You will become a garden of flame
and the fleeing of bare feet on jagged stone
crash upon you
the mountains
weeping to the sea”
With nine actors, one of them about to give birth and a baby, this was the most complicated scene to shoot. The actors were given three choices as what to speak to Jesus: Tell Him you love Him, Tell Him you thank Him, or tell Him good-bye. All the emotions became genuine when Paolo (Jesus) psychically reached out to them and they responded. It was an astounding moment and was captured in a single shot.
JESUS: Paolo Durrazzo
SIMON: Howard Karesh
WOMEN OF JERUSALEM: Erica Lowenberg - Brooke Lowenberg - Rebecca O’Mally - Sydney Karesh - Heidi DuBon - Audra Gregson